by Michael McBride
Publisher: Factor V Media
More than seventy years ago, in 1968, five Nazi scientists embarked upon an expedition into the frozen Himalayas in search of the origins of the Aryan race, the mystical Nordics that escaped the sinking of Atlantis. What they found instead was something beyond their wildest imaginations, a secret they would sooner take to their graves than risk releasing upon an unsuspecting world, something that could radically revise the trunk of the family tree of man itself, the origins of man and only one survived to keep its secret.
Now nearly a hundred years old, Johann Brandt, aged 95, the lone surviving member of the original party, shares his discovery with Jordan Brooks, an evolutionary anthropologist, who launches his own expedition into one of the most dangerous environments on the face of the planet in search of the evidence Brandt claims to have left behind.
If Brooks and his team hope to find the proof, they’ll have to follow the historical footsteps of the Germans into the hunting grounds of a species that evolved in utter geographical isolation, and their only hope for survival lies in uncovering the truth about the ill-fated Nazi expedition…for those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
The story is a thoroughly engrossing read, that easily shifts between past and present happenings without any confusion to the reader.
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