Douglas E. Richards is a science-fiction and time-travel author with popular books such as Wired, Split Second, and Time Frame under his belt, along with his latest standalone, Seeker.
I’ve only recently started to follow this author, after reading his two books in the Split Second time-travel thriller series. The author Douglas E Richards writes in an engaging way, and his plots are quite complex. So, following those two books, I’ve started reading his other novels for adults as well. He also wrote several books for children and young adult, but it will be a while before I catch up to those.
The Douglas E Richards books for adults are all sci-fi techno-thrillers set about a quarter of a century in the future. In his books, science and futuristic, transformative technologies are important ingredients. Often, his books deal with the ethical issue around playing God when technology advances offer one almost unlimited opportunities.
Here are the Douglas E Richards books in order for his several series for adults and kids alike, and his standalone novels.
New Douglas E Richards Books

A Pivot in Time (Alien Artifact #2), 2020
The Prometheus Project Series
(series for young adults)
- Trapped (Prometheus Project #1), 2005
- Captured (Prometheus Project #2), 2007
- Stranded (Prometheus Project #3), 2010
Wired Series
Nick Hall Series
- Mind’s Eye (Nick Hall #1), 2014
- BrainWeb (Nick Hall #2), 2015
- MindWar (Nick Hall #3), 2016
Split Second Series
- Split Second (Split Second #1), 2015
- Time Frame (Split Second #2), 2018
Near Future Series
- Quantum Lens (Near Future #1), 2014
- Game Changer (Near Future #2), 2016
- Infinity Born (Near Future #3), 2017
- Seeker (Near Future #4), 2018
- Veracity (Near Future #5), 2019
- Oracle (Near Future #6), 2019
Alien Artifact Series
- The Enigma Cube (Alien Artifact #1), 2020
- A Pivot in Time (Alien Artifact #2), 2020
Standalone Douglas E. Richards Books
- The Devil’s Sword, 2010
- Ethan Pritcher, Body Switcher, 2012
- Out of This World, 2012
- The Cure, 2013
Douglas E Richards Biography
Douglas E. Richards was born in 1962 Fort Benning, Georgia. However, he grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with his sister, Pam, living with his parents.
He attended Finneytown High School, following which he enrolled at the Ohio State University, graduating with a degree in microbiology. Next, he went to the University of Wisconsin for his master’s degree in molecular biology, and then a second master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago.
He did try for a doctorate in genetic engineering and molecular biology, however, as he hated lab work, he ended up with the Master’s Degree instead.
After school, he worked as a biotechnology executive, however, eventually, he left the field to focus on writing books fulltime. During his research for his PhD, he worked with mutating viruses and observing the results at DNA level.
Richards always loved to read and was influenced in his writing by Asimov and Crichton quite a lot. He loved reading Isaac Asimov as a child, and Chrichton’s techno-thrillers were a hit with him as well.
He only started writing, however, in his twenties. In 2005, he first wrote the first book in The Prometheus Project, a young-adult series for children ages 9-13, featuring an ultra-secret team of scientists that are exploring an ancient city full of advanced technology and science. Prometheus Project, his first ever series became also one of his most popular one.
Since the editors the National Geographic KIDS Magazine read the book and liked his way of distilling scientific information for kids, they asked him to write essays and other pieces for their magazine, which he did, totaling over 13 pieces for them over the years.
Still, since the Prometheus Project series never really took off in sales, the author went back to working as a biotechnology executive, right until Wired got him the breakthrough. Wired by Douglas E. Richards was the book that really set him on his current course.
While researching about the amazing abilities of the brain, he started musing on its true potential. This is when he got the idea to write Wired, which would become the author’s first adult novel. That was back in 2009, but he shelved it for several years before ebooks became a thing.
In 2011, when he saw the rise of eBooks by indie publishers, he took his Wired manuscript off the shelf and uploaded it to Amazon in the Kindle format. The book became an instant success.
This is what prompted him to finally never look back at his day job and know that he could very well become an established Indie author since he was already earning enough from Wired to support himself. So he started writing more and more techno-thrillers, many for adults, but also several for young adults.
Although Douglas E. Richard has written so far almost 20 books starting with his Prometheus Project in 2005, most readers rate two books as being some of his best: Wired, and Split Second (I agree with Split Second, it is my favorite novel by this author).
Split Second is the first Douglas E Richards book on time travel. After the author reading countless fiction and non-fiction books on the topic, he found his unique twist on the genre and applied it to his book. Since time travel is one subject that many people are constantly interested in, the book became an instant hit. Amazon had it for almost 4 months in its 100 top books.
Two of his newer series, the Near Future and Alien Artifact have been especially well received by both critics, fans, and readers in general. Enigma Cube the first book in the Alien Artifact has been released early 2020.
In addition to books. Douglas E. Richards also wrote non-fiction science-based pieces for BBC, Earth & Sky, and others.
The New York Times bestselling author Douglas E. Richards is currently living in San Diego, California with his wife, kids and his two dogs. He is working now on his next book, and in his spare time, he reads mostly non-fiction books on nanotech, physics, cosmology, ethics, philosophy, and religion. Often, he includes information and knowledge he gathered from his readings in his books.
Praise for Douglas E. Richards
Richards is an extraordinary writer,” (Dean Koontz) who can “keep you turning the pages all night long. (Douglas Preston)
Richards is a worthy successor to Michael Crichton. (
Douglas E. Richards has been widely praised for his ability to weave action, suspense, and science into riveting novels that straddle the thriller and science fiction genres (Alessandra Torre Ink)
Douglas E. Richards’ novel (Wired) is, in a word, brainy. (
The sensational bestseller read by over a million people and translated into six languages. (SimonAndSchuster)
(The Cure) Raises interesting questions about the nature of humanity. Although the plot depends on wormholes and faster-than-light space travel, readers won’t have to be science-fiction fans to enjoy it. (Kirkus Reviews)
Douglas Richards has a wonderful way of injecting science fiction elements into a thriller style plot without upsetting the balance and comparisons to the late Michael Crichton are inevitable. (SFBookreviews)
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