The Tim LaHaye books co-authored with Jerry B. Jenkins are familiar to many readers who love Christian fiction. Even the author’s works were not as popular before, they certainly became popular once some of the books were made into movies. I mean who can forget the film Left Behind with Nicholas Cage?
Even though the author passed away in 2016, the Tim LaHaye Left Behind series (also called Earth’s Last Days series) will live on for as many years as there are readers who believe in God and love reading books with religious themes.
How many books are in the Left Behind series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins?? All in all, there are 16 main books, with another 40 in the spin-off kids’ series. Also, there are four movies in the series.
Here is the Left Behind series order for the books that by now have become classics, along with series and books Tim LaHaye has written during his lifetime. Even after his death, Tim LaHaye will live in our hearts forever.
Left Behind Books in Chronological Order
- The Rising, 2005 (prequel)
- The Regime, 2005 (prequel)
- The Rapture, 2007 (prequel)
- Left Behind, 1995
- Tribulation Force, 1996
- Nicolae, 1997
- Soul Harvest, 1998
- Apollyon, 1999
- Assassins, 1999
- The Indwelling, 2000
- The Mark, 2000
- Desecration, 2001
- The Remnant, 2002
- Armageddon, 2003
- Glorious Appearing, 2004
- Kingdom Come, 2007
If you want to read the Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins series in chronological order, you should start with the three prequel novels which take place before the events in The Left Behind: The Rising, followed by The Regime, and The Rapture. Then you can continue with the series as listed above.
Left Behind Books in Publication Order
also called Earth’s Last Days books
Co-authored by Jerry B. Jenkins
- Left Behind, 1995
- Tribulation Force, 1996
- Nicolae, 1997
- Soul Harvest, 1998
- Apollyon, 1999
- Assassins, 1999
- The Indwelling, 2000
- The Mark, 2000
- Desecration, 2001
- The Remnant, 2002
- Armageddon, 2003
- Glorious Appearing, 2004
- The Rising, 2005 (prequel)
- The Regime, 2005 (prequel)
- The Rapture, 2007 (prequel)
- Kingdom Come, 2007
To read the Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins Left Behind series in publication order, the list above is the way to go.
Before They Were Left Behind Prequel Series
Co-authored by Jerry B. Jenkins
- The Rising, 2005
- The Regime, 2005
- The Rapture, 2007
Left Behind The Kids Series in Publication Order
Co-authored by Jerry B. Jenkins
- Taken (includes The Vanishings, Second Chance, Through the Flames, Facing the Future), 2003 (backstories from Left Behind)
- Pursued (includes Nicolae High, Underground, Busted!, Death Strike), 1999-2000 (backstories from Tribulation Force)
- Hidden (includes Search, On the Run, Into the Storm, Earthquake), 2000 (backstories from Nicolae)
- Rescued (includes The Showdown, Judgment Day, Battling the Commander, Fire From Heaven), 2000-2001 (backstories from Soul Harvest)
- Stung (includes Terror in the Stadium, Darkening Skies, Attack of Apollyon), 2001 (backstories from Apollyon)
- Frantic (includes A Dangerous Plan, Secrets of New Babylon, Escape from New Babylon), 2002 (backstories from Assassins)
- Shaken (includes Horsemen of Terror, Uplink from the Underground, Death at the Gala), 2002-2003 (backstories from The Indwelling)
- Unmasked (includes The Beast Arises, Wildfire!, The Mark of the Beast), 2003 (backstories from The Mark)
- Deceived (includes Breakout!, Murder in the Holy Place, Escape to Masada), 2003 (backstories from Desecration)
- Protected (includes War of the Dragon, Attack on Petra, Bounty Hunters), 2005 (backstories from The Remnant)
- Hunted (includes The Rise of the False Messiahs, Ominous Choices, Heat Wave), 2005 (backstories from Armageddon)
- Arrived (includes Perils of Love, The Road to War, Triumphant Return), 2005 (backstories from Glorious Appearing)
Left Behind: The Kids series is a spin-off from the main Left Behind series, aimed at young adults and older kids.
There are 40 books in total, each quite short, so the best way to enjoy the kids’ series is to read the collections that include each 3-4 books and has backstories from one particular Left Behind book for adults.
Soul Survivor Books in Publication Order
co-authored with Bob DeMoss and David A. Noebel
- Mind Siege, 2000
- All the Rave, 2002
- The Last Dance, 2002
- Black Friday, 2003
Babylon Rising Books in Publication Order
Co-authored with Gregory S Dinallo and Bob Phillips
- Babylon Rising, 2003
- The Secret on Ararat, 2004
- The Europa Conspiracy, 2005
- The Edge of Darkness, 2006
The Babylon Rising series by Tim LaHaye features Michael Murphy, a college professor who is on the search of an artifact that could actually prove that what the Bible says is correct. He is battling The Seven, an evil group that is exactly against everything Michael is standing for.
Jesus Chronicles Books in Publication Order
Co-authored by Jerry B. Jenkins
- John’s Story, 2006
- Mark’s Story, 2007
- Luke’s Story, 2008
- Matthew’s Story, 2010
End Books in Publication Order
Co-authored with Craig Parshall
- Edge of Apocalypse, 2010
- Thunder of Heaven, 2011
- Brink of Chaos, 2012
- The Mark of Evil, 2014
Standalone Tim LaHaye Books in Publication Order
co-authored with Greg Dinallo
- Come Spring, 2005
- The Best Christmas Gift, 2005
- Always Grace, 2008
Non-Fiction Books in Publication Order
- How to Be Happy Though Married, 1968
- Transforming Your Temperament, 1971
- Revelation Unveiled, 1973
- The Act of Marriage (with Beverly LaHaye), 1976
- The Unhappy Gays, 1978
- Life in the Afterlife, 1980
- Practical Answers to Common Questions about Sex in Marriage, 1984
- I Love You, But Why Are We So Different?, 1991
- Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself, 1992
- The Spirit-Filled Family (with Beverly LaHaye), 1995
- Understanding the Last Days, 1998
- Gathering Lilies from Among the Thorns (with Beverly LaHaye), 1998
- Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible – New King James Version, 2000
- Charting the End Times (with Thomas Ice), 2001
- Perhaps Today (with Jerry B. Jenkins), 2001
- The Merciful God of Prophecy, 2002
- End Times Controversy (with Thomas Ice), 2003
- A Kid’s Guide to Understanding the End Times (with Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry), 2004
- The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy (with Ed Hindson), 2004
- Embracing Eternity (with Jerry B. Jenkins, Frank M. Martin), 2004
- Party of Two (with Beverly LaHaye), 2005
- The Popular Bible Prophecy Workbook (with Ed Hindson), 2006
- Global Warning: Are We on the Brink of World War III? (with Ed Hindson), 2007
- The Popular Handbook on the Rapture: Experts Speak Out on End-Times Prophecy (with Thomas Ice, Ed Hindson), 2012
- Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times (with Ed Hindson), 2015
About the Left Behind Series Books
While Tim LaHaye achieved quite a lot during his long life (Tim LaHaye died in 2016), he is still best known as the author of the popular Left Behind novels. The actual writing of the books was done by Jerry B. Jenkins using Tim LaHaye’s copious notes.
Still, the Left Behind stories are Tim LaHaye’s brainchild. He created the idea and wrote the outlines for the books as well.
The first Tim LaHaye, titled Left Behind, was published in 1995 and became one of the most popular Christian fiction series ever to be written. It literally took the earth by storm.
Soon other books followed, with Tribulation Force coming out in 1996 and Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist in 1997 until the last book in the series, Kingdom Come: The Final Victory.
The Left Behind novels are about the end of times, the Rapture, and the Tribulation Force, with Nicolae Carpathia being the main antagonist. The 16 Left Behind books and the 4 movies done based on the series focus on Tribulation Force, the group of the left behind those that were raptured. The world is now in Tribulation, and the people left behind are now learning to be faithful even after their disgrace.
The Rapture is a popular topic, which is equal to that of zombies, natural disasters and alien invasions. There is a whole following around the topic of Rapture and the Tribulation Force on Earth. Many religious people view the books (and the movies) not so much as fiction as suspenseful historical accounts.
In an interview, Tim LaHaye mentioned that with his books he wanted to spread the Gospel, to turn non-believers into believers by showing them the trials awaiting them and the merciful salvation awaiting those who believe.
The book series is enjoyed even by non-religious readers all over the world who love action-packed thrillers.
While there are a few other series (especially the spin-off series for kids) that the author has written for his young and older reader base during his life, the Tim LaHaye Left Behind books is and will always be the author’s jewel. The one work he will be remembered even a century after the author’s death.
Over the years, the series has sold over 65 million copies worldwide and people can purchase them on Amazon and most retail stores.
Tim LaHaye Biography
The American evangelical Christian minister Tim LaHaye was born as Timothy Francis LaHaye in 1926, in Detroit, Michigan.
At the age of 18, in 1944 during WWII, he enlisted in the US Air Army Force, right after finishing high school. After going back home from the war in Europe, he went back to study, and in 1950 he graduated with a BA from Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina.
Next, he went on to get two additional diplomas: a Doctor of Ministry degree from Western Seminary, and a Doctor of Literature from Liberty University. He knew that becoming a pastor was his life calling. He first worked as a pastor in Pumpkintown, South Carolina, and later on in Minneapolis until 1956.
Next, he moved with his family to San Diego, California, where he worked as a pastor of the Scott Memorial Baptist Church for almost 25 years. In 1971 he founded a college in San Diego, called Christian Heritage College.
In the late 1970s and early 1980, Tim LaHaye also got involved in politics, so now he focused almost exclusively on his political career and writing books. He was an avid supporter of Ronald Reagan’s election as a US president.
The last fiction books by Tim LaHaye before his passing are part of the End series, with the newest book, The Mark of Evil, published in 2014. This was two years before the author’s death. He died at the age of 90 in the hospital due to a recent stroke.
Praise for Tim LaHaye
The impact of “Left Behind” on Christianity was “probably greater than that of any other book in modern times, outside the Bible. (Jerry Falwell)
… absolutely no one can ignore the profound impact that the “Left Behind” series has had on end-times theological narratives over the past 15 years. (Billy Hallowell)
Thrilled as I am that he is where he has always wanted to be, his departure leaves a void in my soul. (Jeremy B. Jenkins, co-author of the Left Behind series)
Whose life hasn’t been affected in some way by this man? (Prophecy Watchers)
In terms of its impact on Christianity, it’s probably greater than that of any other book in modern times, outside the Bible. (Jerry Falwell)
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Where are Scriptures use for these findings
Is there like a study guide/answers or something I could use to help my girls understand the left behind for kids.
I enjoyed reading them shared them with friends some wasn’t return I will read them again.
My husband started reading the Left Behind series b4 he believed that Jesus is God. He would talk about certain parts of the book and I would tell him that indeed these are events written in the Bible. This series planted more seeds in his mind. What a wonderful way to share God’s love to an unbelieving world!
Thanks God for this experience!
I agree. I read the whole series as they came out. I could hardly wait for the next one. They made a tremendous impact on me and made me desire more of God and to understand for myself what God said to us in the book of Revelation.
Without a doubt the best book series I have ever read most tanks to Tim and Jerry
I’m still reading the Left Behind series. I just started the 11th book, Armageddon. I read these books and had an extremely difficult time putting them down. I was dreading coming to the end of this adventurous and heart- breaking series when I discovered that there are 3 prequels and another sequel. I can’t wait to order them! I have learned so much from this series. I’ve come to know the characters as though they were my closest friends. I triumphed with them over each victory and cried over their biggest defeats. My sincerest thanks to the authors for this eye-opening series! I thank God for giving them the inspiration and knowledge to write this series! Thank God for Jesus, who knows how to make fishers of men!
I understand the book of revelation much better now. Thank you for these books. I know Tim LaHaye is with our heavenly Father. Glad he shared his knowledge.
Found these books amazing, if you dident believe in Jesus before you read these, you certainly would after must read .
I just read the entire Left Behind Series for the second time. As a Christian studying the Bible I never could understand Revelation. Now I do thanks to Tim & Jerry. God bless you both for helping millions of people understand what will happen.♥️
These books lead me to Jesus. Thank you Mr. LaHaye and Mr. Jenkins.
The adult series jumped around too much So I went to the Kidd series which was the best books I ever read in my life I would read 2 to 3 a day left behind series is awesome I must read
I read 14 of the books when they first came out. Never read the sequels. I now have all of them. I’m going to go on an adventure n read them all in chronological order. I really enjoyed the 14 when they first came out. I think I’ll enjoy them even more now. The movies were ok but doesn’t hold a candle too the books. Tu for your luv of God of which I don’t think u would have written them unless u did believe in him..