With around 30 books written to date, the author G.G. Vandagriff has become a popular writer whose books are now selling like hotcakes.
Here are the G.G. Vandagriff books in order for her numerous series (most of which include only a few books as part of trilogies) starting with her earliest series. The book list is updated regularly.
New G.G. Vandagriff Books

Sleeping Secrets, (Woot TV #2), 2018

Balkan Echo, (Woot TV #3), 2018
Alex and Briggie Genealogical Mysteries
- Cankered Roots, 1994
- Of Deadly Descent, 1996
- Tangled Roots, 2007
- Poisoned Pedigree, 2008
- The Hidden Branch, 2009
Saga of Love and War Trilogy
- The Last Waltz, 2009
- Exile, 2014
- Defiance, 2015
Six Rogues and Their Ladies Series
- The Duke’s Undoing, 2012
- The Taming of Lady Kate, 2012
- Miss Braithwaite’s Secret, 2012
- Rescuing Rosalind, 2013
- Lord Trowbridge’s Angel, 2013
- The Baron and The Bluestocking, 2013
- Much Ado about Lavender, 2017 (novella)
Grenville Chronicles Trilogy
- Lord Grenville’s Choice, 2014
- Lord John’s Dilemma, 2015
- Lord Basingstoke’s Downfall, 2015
Three Gentlemen of London Trilogy
- Her Fateful Debut, 2016
- His Mysterious Lady, 2017
- Not an Ordinary Baronet, 2018
Saunders Family Saga
- Love Unexpected, 2018
Woot TV Series
- Breaking News, 2018
- Sleeping Secrets, 2018
- Balkan Echo, 2018
Standalone G.G. Vandagriff Books
- Voices in Your Blood, 1993 (non-fiction)
- Arthurian Omen, 2008
- Pieces of Paris, 2010
- Foggy With a Chance of Murder, 2011
- The Only Way to Paradise, 2011
- Deliverance From Depression, 2011 (non-fiction)
G.G. Vandagriff Biography
G.G. Vandagriff (Gail Gibson Vandagriff) was born in Fresno, California. She knew from a very young age that she wanted to become a writer.
In fact, she started writing at the early age of 9, when she wrote a short story titled The Ballerina Who Couldn’t Dance for a contest, which she won. She grew up in a dysfunctional family environment, so writing was her escape from reality.
She got her BA from Stanford University, and next she went for her MA in international relations, which he obtained at George Washington University. Her formal career was in finance as a banker.
During her years in Stanford, she attended some advance writing workshops as well, but she was told by one of her professors that, in order to become a successful author, she would need to give up her religion (Mormon). Instead, she stopped writing for several years.
During the Vietnam War, she was engaged, but she lost her fiance who was killed in the war. Thereafter, GG had to go through a severe case of PTSD.
After getting married, while waiting for her baby to be born, she was teaching economics. While living in the Ozarks, after all her three children were born, as they were growing up, GG would spent her free time writing during the children’s naps and late at night while they were sleeping. Eventually, she got her very first book published. It was non-fiction book titled Voices In Your Blood: Discovering Identity Through Family History, which was published in 1993.
Next, she started working on her first genealogy mystery series featuring Alexandra Campbell (Alex) and Brighamina Poulson (Briggie), a series which eventually included five books.
As the author was a long-time sufferer of bipolar disorder with severe bouts of depression, by this time her condition worsened, which made writing further books impossible. She was very ill for around 10 years, after which she somehow managed to keep her condition at bay. She recounted her story in her book Deliverance for Depression: Finding Hope and Healing Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Once her illness was manageable, she was able to continue writing once again. She finished her Alex and Briggie series, and began working on several standalone novels and further series.
However, the book she worked the earliest for, would become The Last Waltz, for which she started researching back when she was living in Austria, followed by her reading all of Churchill’s books on World War One while waiting for her first baby to be born, and then, finally, finishing it after she managed to overcome her pain. Eventually, the Last Waltz took the author over 40 years to write, while Pieces of Paris took her 25.
Before 2012, the G.G. Vandagriff were all traditionally published books. After that year, however, G. G. became an indie writer. She writes in many several genres, with what she calls “genre-hopping,” as she likes to call it. From contemporary romances to historical regency novels to crime mystery series and non-fiction self-help memoirs, the G.G. Vandagriff books have helped many not only find love but also heal.
GG is married to a fellow writer, David P. Vandagriff, who is a lawyer. They both live in Provo, Utah.
Since the G.G. Vandagriff series are numerous but all very short, reading the G.G. Vandagriff books in order is quite easy, as each series ends up really fast.
Praise for G.G. Vandagriff
Pieces of Paris by GG Vandagriff is a literary symphony, a cacophony of words that delves into the hearts of Annalisse and Dennis, as they fight to reestablish the rhythm of their marriage. An emotionally-engaging and unforgettable story. (Heather Moore)
Author G.G. Vandagriff brings readers what is possibly her best work yet in “Exile.” Vandagriff masterfully weaves a tale of conflicted romance into the pre-WWII era, bringing the terror, sadness and anger of Hitler’s reign out of history and into the
hands of readers. Vandagriff does an excellent job balancing fact and fiction. (Deseret News)Prolific author G.G. Vandagriff creates a world full of intrigue, suspense, and romance that fans of the Regency Period will adore. Vandagriff writes in a style reminiscent of Georgette Heyer. (Deseret News)
In GG Vandagriff’s newest novel, pre-World War II Austria explodes with intrigue, and volatile politics that would eventually bring the Austrian people under Hitler’s rule, and a love story that proves that a woman’s heart is as vast as the ocean. (H.B. Moore)
The Last Waltz is a book to savor. It educates; it is filled with action; the tender love story is mirrored in the political conflicts of the day, it is filled with points to ponder, and it entertains. (Meridian Magazine)
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