by Karen Robards
published 1987
Publisher: Warner Books
Author Clara Winston was snuggling in for the night when the strange men burst into her carriage house apartment. Terrified, she couldn’t make sense of their heavy Russian accents, but they seemed to be demanding the whereabouts of the “real” Magic Dragon — the one she had dedicated her last romance novel to. “Under the bed,” she managed to squeak out, wondering why in the world they wanted her old gray Persian cat, Puff…
When the bad guys show up at mild-mannered Clara’s house, thinking that she can lead them to the man they’re hunting, she is rescued by that man, disgraced CIA agent Jack McClain. Jack is green-eyed, black-haired, infuriatingly macho—and every bit as sexy as the romantic heroes she’s always writing about. Clara hates him on sight, but if she wants to survive he is the only game in town.
When they went to look, Clara escaped out into the darkness and right into the strong arms of a magnificent stranger — a man as sensual and exciting as the perfect lover she described in her books, but had never found in real life. He was CIA agent Jack McClain, code-named “Magic Dragon,” a man running for his life and taking Clara and Puff with him into a wild spill of hair-raising adventure, deadly espionage… and unforgettable love.
When I saw the advertisement for the movie Argyle it seemed like I had read it even though I knew I hadn’t. Then I remembered your book Night Magic. I haven’t seen the movie but they seem like they are very alike. Both have cats and spies. I loved the book and was just wondering if you had rereleased the book under another name to match the movie.