by Michael Crichton
Publisher: Open Road Media
They came together in Cairo, each one driven by his own devil, but all propelled by a manic desire for the magnificent treasure of the Pharaohs.. Harold Barnaby, Egyptologist, half-crazed by his own genius.. Robert Pierce, writer starved for action.. Lord Grover, fifth Earl of Wheatston, supremely jaded by his wealth… Alan Conway, smuggler, addicted to the game of survival.. Nikos Karagannis, international thief, disclined by his own brutality. ‘The Last Tomb’ was the goal of a frenzied search that threw them together in the Egyptian desert – actors in an intricately woven scenario of do or die!
Beneath the sands of the Egyptian desert lies treasure beyond imagining. And when a professor of archaeology finds clues to the location of a Pharaoh’s lost tomb in ancient hieroglyphs, he hatches a plan to find the burial site – and plunder it.
But can a five-man team of smugglers and thieves uncover what the centuries have hidden? And even if they find it, can they escape with it…and with their lives.
Brilliant Egyptologist Harold Barnaby has discovered a message hidden inside a particularly difficult set of hieroglyphics. It just may lead him to a secret tomb holding the greatest riches of the ancient world. Barnaby could put his name to the most fantastic archaeological find of the century. But he doesn’t just want to dig it up. He wants to steal it.
With the help of a smuggler, a thief, and an English lord, he plans his heist. They find that tomb raiding is trickier than they thought, and those who steal from dead Egyptians face dangers worse than a mummy’s ancient curse.
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