Jodi Taylor is the author we know and love for her Chronicles of St. Mary’s time travel series and her newer Time Police spin-off series.
Ever since Outlander and The Time Traveler’s Wife, the topic of time travel in books has interested me greatly. I keep coming back over and over again to this genre. Last year I discovered Jodi Taylor’s St. Mary’s series, and I’m now hooked.
Thankfully the author releases at least one full-length book every year and a few short novellas in between to keep us going as well.
So here are the Jodi Taylor books in order for her bestselling St. Mary’s series and all other books she has written so far as well.
New Jodi Taylor Books

Plan for the Worst, (The Chronicles of St Mary’s #11), 2020
The Chronicles of St. Mary’s Series
- The Very First Damn Thing (St. Mary’s #0.5), 2015 (prequel story)
- Just One Damn Thing After Another (St. Mary’s #1), 2013
- A Symphony of Echoes (St. Mary’s #2), 2013
- When a Child Is Born (St. Mary’s #2.5), 2013 (short story)
- A Second Chance (St. Mary’s #3), 2014
- Roman Holiday (St. Mary’s #3.5), 2014 (short story)
- A Trail Through Time (St. Mary’s #4), 2014
- Christmas Present (St. Mary’s #4.5), 2014 (short story)
- No Time Like the Past (St. Mary’s #5), 2015
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (St. Mary’s #6), 2015
- Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings (St. Mary’s #6.5), 2015 (short story)
- Lies, Damned Lies, and History (St. Mary’s #7), 2016
- The Great St. Mary’s Day Out (St. Mary’s #7.5), 2016 (short story)
- My Name is Markham (St. Mary’s #7.6), 2016
- Desiccated Water (St. Mary’s #7.7), 2017 (short story)
- And the Rest Is History (St. Mary’s #8), 2017
- Markham and the Anal Probing (St. Mary’s #8.1), 2017 (short story)
- A Perfect Storm (St. Mary’s #8.5), 2017 (short story)
- Christmas Past (St. Mary’s #8.6), 2017 (short story)
- An Argumentation of Historians (St. Mary’s #9), 2018
- The Battersea Barricades (St. Mary’s #9.5), 2018 (short story)
- The Steam Pump Jump (St. Mary’s #9.6), 2018 (short story)
- And Now For Something Completely Different(St. Mary’s #9.7), 2018 (short story)
- Hope For The Best (St. Mary’s #10), 2019
- Plan For the Worst (St. Mary’s #11), 2020
- The Ordeal of the Haunted Room (St. Mary’s #11.5), 2020 (short story)
Time Police Series
- Doing Time (Time Police #1), 2019
- Hard Time (Time Police #2), 2020
Frogmorton Farm Series
- The Nothing Girl (Frogmorton Farm #1), 2014
- Little Donkey (Frogmorton Farm #1.5), 2014 (short novella)
- The Something Girl (Frogmorton Farm #2), 2017
- Joy to the World (Frogmorton Farm #3), 2020
Elizabeth Cage Series
- White Silence (Elizabeth Cage #1), 2017
- Dark Light (Elizabeth Cage #2), 2018
Writing as Isabella Barclay (if you have read the Chronicles of St. Mary’s you will get the joke on this name)
Standalone Books
- A Bachelor Establishment, 2015
Jodi Taylor Biography
Jodi Taylor was born in Bristol, in southwest England, and she went to school in Gloucester. As a child, she went to a girl’s school, where she constantly got into troubles because girls in the school were encouraged to write about ‘girlie” things, while Jodi wrote once for a competition a poem about cannibals, which landed her in detention for the rest of the week.
After school, she moved to Yorkshire with her husband and began working at the County Hall in the County Secretary’s department, and next she went to work at the County library service in the position of Facilities Manager. Altogether, she remained there for almost 20 years, following which she moved to Turkey where her brother lives.
Jodi always wanted to write books; being an author was a long-time dream of hers. She also always loved history. She is a self-claimed history nut. Thus she knew that she would have to combine her two passions into writing historical novels.
After writing her debut novel, Just One Damn Thing After Another, she sent it initially to the Writer’s Workshop (which now is called Jericho Writers), where she got many good pointers on improving her work.
Next, after following their tips, she reworked her book and then sent it to various agents and publication houses, all which have rejected her work. Actually, to be completely accurate, she never even got a reply. Rejection letters would have been one step above. She never gave up, however.
A friend gave her the idea to go the self-publishing route. So, after one year, she self-published her debut novel on Smashwords after spending £150 to create her ebook format. Soon after the book’s publication, it became extremely successful, landing on the top of the Amazon Kindle free download chart almost right away. People loved the story about the crazy team of time travelers who would not call themselves time travelers for anything in the world. Their adventures soon became well-known all over the world. She got hundreds of five-star reviews on Amazon, and soon she realized that she has sold several hundred thousand copies of her debut novel.
After her success storm, Accent Press, a well-known independent publishing house, contacted her for a three-book contract, which Jodi accepted.
In an interview, the author comments on the fact that most writers first need an agent to pitch their work to publishers. She, on the other hand, still doesn’t an agent. She works with Accent directly for all her St. Mary’s novels.
When she started writing, Jodi Taylor anticipated St. Mary’s to consist only of one book. In her words, she expected the team to “die horribly in the last chapter.” However, as she kept fleshing out the story, Jodi realized that there is enough material for at least a second book. And so, the Chronicles of St. Mary’s series began. And now, we have close to 20 Jodi Taylor books with several short stories and novellas included in multiple series.
What is the Chronicles of St. Mary’s Series About?
The Chronicles of St. Mary’s is a quirky time-travel series that focuses on a group of historians jumping back in time in their pods to observe past events in real time. They should never interfere but only observe. Of course, they should not die in the past either. History itself is not very keen on people changing it, so there are blocks in place to avoid that from happening. Sadly, there are also evil people who want just that: alter history to their benefits. Thus, they steal pods and try to wreak havoc on past happenings.
St. Mary’s is usually left alone to do their work; however, there is a university that gives them the funding to travel to their heart’s content as long as they bring back results. And sometimes, they bring back more than results. They blow up things regularly, they set themselves on fire, or fall from roofs. Especially when the R&D department is at work.
The series is funny, entertaining, and very addictive to read. I started reading the first book and I already ordered the next ones from Amazon right away to have them on my Kindle as soon as I was finished with the Just One Damn Thing After Another.
Since I started reading the series in 2017, I had plenty of books to keep me entertained until I caught up with the series. There are quite a lot of characters in this series, but somehow the author can keep track of all of them. She also makes sure that each of them is mentioned at least once in every book. And each book features one particular person or group throughout their adventures. Some readers mentioned that even though they were never interested in history, after reading the series, they got interested in the various times of the past that were mentioned in the book and started researching more about them.
Having read every book published so far, I strongly suggest you read the Chronicles of St. Mary’s by Jodi Taylor in proper reading order. There are lots of characters and times to go back to, and, while the author does give a brief background in every new book, you will miss out on a lot by reading them out of order. Each character has their own story and they are developed a little bit in each new book.
Overall, reading the Jodi Taylor books is an immense joy for every time-travel, history and adventure lover.
Praise for Jodi Taylor
Jodi Taylor doesn’t do things the conventional way. (Catherine Scott Yorkshire Post)
A carnival ride through laughter and tears with a bit of time travel thrown in for spice . . . readers will be impatient for later installments. (Publishers Weekly)
Danger, romance, history, financial and academic politics, hidden agendas, dangerous assignments, characters you care about, and the feeling that more is going on than you’re actually reading about. (SFRevu)
What a mess. A glorious, glorious mess. Let no one ever say that Just One Damned Thing After Another is a book that fails to live up to its title . . . . These books are so perfectly bingeable. (B&N Sci-fi Blog)
Inventive and entertaining… a fast-paced and fun first book in what promises to be an excellent new series (Culturefly on Doing Time)
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I’m so addicted to the Jodi Taylor books, most especially The Chronicles of St Mary series. Genius writing full of interesting scenarios, history, many funny, very likeable characters and a few despicable villains.
Actually, I think I’ll start reading the whole series again now.
I love all of Jodi Taylor’s books but St. Mary’s and Max are like friends or family. I have laughed until I cried and cried like a baby many times reading her books. The people are as real to me as anyone I ever met. I have also managed to learn some history along the way. Keep the stories coming Ms. Taylor!
Best books ever! So so funny.Am very glad I started the series. Also read the nothing girl series, which I was totally and pleasantly surprised! Love Jodi Taylor.
Brilliant. I have reread the Chronicles of St Marys several times and they continue to give as much please as on the first read. The spin with the time police is also great. I have pre-ordered the next one. My only niggle is that I cannot seem to download the Desiccated Water or Markham and the Anal Probing. Where can I get copies for my Kindle?
I am totally hooked and can’t wait for the next installment of the St Mary’s books
Love ‘em all. Having read all the St. Mary’s and ‘doing time’ books. Now thoughly enjoying
A Batchelor Establishment. Have ordered from Amazon all the written books byMs Taylor . Will finish to the end.hope I live long enough as I am 86 now.
Keep on writing I say.
I really have enjoyed Ms. Taylor’s books, I have been through all the Chronicles of St. Marys and finishing up White Silence and just ordered Dark Light in the Elizabeth Cage series. Ms. Taylor is remarkable in her ability to spin a tale.
She is. I’m reading now Doing Time, the first Time Police novel, and love it to bits as well.
Having read the whole At Mary’s series as they were published In working my way through them again, laughing and crying and finding bits that didn’t register the first time around. I’m only cross my mum died before I discovered this amazing series.Jodii Taylor is incredibly clever.