by Dan Abnett
Book 7 in Primeval series (2009)
Publisher: Titan Books
An Entelodon goes on the rampage down Oxford Street in central London causing untold damage and loss of life, and Cutter decides a new approach to tackling the anomalies is needed. When a mysterious Russian scientist arrives at the ARC, the Primeval team think they might have found the answer…
When an Entelodon goes on the rampage down Oxford Street, causing untold damage and loss of life, Cutter decides a new approach to tackling the anomalies is needed.
However, his investigations expose him and the team to a violent encounter with a mysterious Russian scientist and a situation more catastrophic and frightening than they’ve ever faced before…
When Cutter, Abby and Connor disappear without a trace, Lester and Jenny must use every trick in the book to try and track them down…